From the page:
Obviously, the medical records establish the existence of your condition or conditions.
However, they also prove A) whether or not you are currently disabled (which is why SSA needs current medical records, not older than 90 days) and B) how far back you may have been disabled---which can have an immediate and dramatic effect on how much back pay you are entitled to and whether or not your waiting period for certain benefits (such as medicare, or the start of monthly payments) will already have been served.
For those who are unaware, Social Security Disability has a five month waiting period for benefits while medicare has a 24 month waiting period. Establishing through the medical records that your condition began long ago can effectively eliminate these waiting periods.
Link to page: Improving the chance to Social Security Disability or SSI benefits
I am a former disability examiner and I publish the website Social Security Disability Resource Center, or SSDRC for short. I also maintain a facebook page for SSDRC (Social Security Disability Blog).
Archives for this blog.
Neither this blog, nor the facebook page, nor my website are affiliated with the Social Security Administration.